Thursday, August 31, 2006

Summers' over? NOOOOOOOOOOooooooooo

Yup, schools already started, its Labor day this weekend. Summer is over. After 6 weeks of hellish math to start the summer the second half was rather short.

It started out well, with two weekends of successful parties by yours truly, but after that I quickly found myself bored! I had been working so hard in school I didn't know what to do with myself outside of work.

Of course a few weeks later I got used to relaxing again, just in time for school to start last week...
This semester I am taking a Cisco Pix class, a Database Design class, and Statistics, which is hopefully the last class I need to graduate with my AS and my certification to move on to a CSU. I turned in my graduation request form yesterday.

Last weekend, it turned out Minori-san was in San Francisco for an internship that is over on Sept 2nd. So I drove up Saturday afternoon after my math class and spent the night walking around fisherman's' Wharf and talking with her till 3am. I wanted to see Winston (link to blog at right) but shortly after getting to S.F. my crappy cell phone died (I hope to get a new one soon) and it was the only thing I had with his number.

Still, it was really nice seeing Minori-san again. I once again tried to get her to move to Southern California for some extended period of time but sadly I don't think it is in the cards. (That doesn't mean I cant try tho!) Next time I gotta get out to Japan to see her. It is definitely my turn.

I have re-discovered and have been listening to some really good books.
A Short History of Nearly Everything and On Intelligence are very highly recommended. I posted the Amazon links because I know many like to read, I prefer the audio books, especially on long car rides. Almost makes me wish my commute to work was more than 10 minutes.... almost ^_~

This weekend is yet another party weekend. Last of the summer. Saturday is to be the big time, and Monday will be a BBQ at my house by the pool. If you know me you should come. ^^

Once again, I am going to try to get myself to blog more often. There's a lot more I would like to post but I can never seem to find the time. I am just never at my computer anymore, which is very, very strange for me...

Links of the day!

The IPod Terrorist Yet another one of those stories that underscores the fact that even though we are combating people who are stuck in the 14th century, we prove ourselves no more intelligent.
Firefox-dog for all you misguided firefox freaks. Go IE7!
The/WTF Mac Store another post for misguided computer users ^^