It's been far too long since I ranted hasnt it?
Spending most of the day reformating a clients computer left me lots of down time while things installed so I decided to work on this hideous blog layout of mine.
Whats the matter? Dont see any difference? Thats because I have a test blog.
Check it out
Anyway other than the annoying IE problem of putting spaces between divs (why the title images dont touch the colored boxes on the sidebar) it looks perfect. The xml even
validates. Something this blog will NEVER do, because the links of the day have un-escaped charaters. Even the CSS (layout scripting for those who dont know)
validates. Except for the css from Blogspot that I have no control over.
However, if you view the site in mozilla or its derivitives, it looks like utter shit. I know IE is old, I know it shouldnt be used, believe me. The clients comptuer I reformatted today was because spyware had be come so prevasive, XP would no longer allow me to log on when I removed it. I personally almost never get spyware, because I have enough know-how not to.
I installed Firefox for about 2 weeks. I gave it a chance, really. But it SUCKS, the world is coded for IE and should be. The stats of the visitors to my site show that 96% of visitors use IE. Mozilla and its bastard child Firefox went about re-inventing the wheel. I dont know about you, but I like the wheel. So I found
Maxthon. Formerly called MyIE2, it takes the IE renderer we all know and love and adds a ton of new features. Basically everything Mozilla could hope to do, and still uses the interpeter that ACTUALLY WORKS. That doesnt mean that IE is perfect, I know its not, but Mozilla is nowhere close. Some things seem to get popular only because its cool to hate Microsoft.
Well whatever. I'm going to email blogspot about why the blogger bar has doubled in size on the test site and to see if theres a way to fix their css so it validates. If I can get every part of the template to validate and Mozilla cant see it- mozilla can go to hell, its gonna be published.
Final notes on temp site: colors may be changed slightly, need to make sure theyre web-safe, I know theyre not now, and the white corners on the headers for the sidebar (friends blogs etc) will be fixed as well.
thats it. Microsoft- get off your ass and make a new browser. Mozilla- stop sucking.
Links of the day!
New layout inspiration came from here, although I no longer think it looks even close
This guy is my new idol
Yup, I still miss my Ipod