Yup, Terri Schiavo finally kicked the freaking bucket. Give her credit, she was a tough old broad.
And yes, I'm damned happy about it, because now EVERY SINGLE NEWS CAST CAN STOP DEVOTING 3/4ths OF ITS CONTENT TO IT. Seriously, there was a school shooting almost the size of Columbine, a war going on we're involved in (and numerous others we never hear about I'm sure, I know my online friend in Venezuela at least passively fears for his life) another HUGE quake in tsunamiland, and STILL 3/4ths of the news was this woman.
But I'm not the only one who's happy...
The Republicans are happy, they didn't WANT to win this one. They just wanted to put on a good show and placate the whack-job constituents of their party. They know full well that those whack-jobs will say to themselves in a year and a half (next elections) "he fought for me!" while the rest of us (what is it now? Like 80% in polls?) wont be able to even recall her name because WE HAVE LIVES. (btw, there's scientific study on this, that the brain remembers incomplete or failed tasks much longer and more often than successes, but you'll have to take my word for it because I cant find a link)
The Democrats are ecstatic that they can stop getting their sorry asses kicked.
People are sad too tho...
The cable news channels are sad because now their ratings wont be a stable 2%. With the afore mentioned whack-jobs unequally divided between the three of them.
The protestors are sad, because now they have no more excuse not to have a job and or life.
So, since I haven't stated it, some of you might wonder what MY opinion is on all of this.
I don't have one. Why? BECAUSE ITS NONE OF MY FUCKING BUSINESS, and none of yours either. This is one of those topics everyone whips out their assho.. er I mean opinions on, even tho it has NOTHING TO DO WITH THEM NOR SHOULD IT.
For the stupid, lets get some things straight.
1. The courts and or the state did NOT kill her. The courts simply upheld the rights of the next of kin as they well should. If they did not, then lots of the legal system would fall apart. Imagine custody battles between a Father and his dead wife's parents, or estate battles between a woman and her dead husbands parents, or (more directly) being denied seeing your dying spouse at a hospital because their parents don't want you to. (Kind of like being gay in America)
As a side note, there was a quite hilarious quote by one of the protestors on the local radio news channel. She said "Well I learned from this that I need a living will because I damn sure am not going to let my husband decide my fate. I will leave it up to my parents if they're alive or my children." Whoohoo- a whole new way to hate men! If he's such a bastard DIVORCE HIM, stop living off someone you despise because its easier. She also shows she's obviously not rich putting it in the hands of her children.
2. This became a war for two reasons.
A. The parents need serious psychological counseling, they need to first see their daughter as an independent entity of themselves (aka her life rather than their life without her)
B. The 'right' saw this as an advantageous political issue. (and as I said they WANTED to lose)
3. Her husband is NOT evil, he could have EASILY walked away from all of this and let her live as a vegetable. (If she is one, and I think 'UNNNNNAAAAAAaaaaaaaAAAA' doesn't constitute intelligent thought.) He fought this for a reason, what exactly it is I will never know (and neither will you because no one seems to care) but I do know its NOT because he is controlled by Satan.
4. This has NOTHING to do with abortion or 'the culture of death.' If you connect the two, you're an idiot. This question of feeding tubes is played out many times every day and it doesn't make national news. Why? BECAUSE IT HAS NO RIGHT TO. My own father had to make the excruciating decision not to put a feeding tube in his mother. He also had to decide NOT to amputate her gangrenous (if that isn't a word it should be) legs just to keep her alive a little longer. Just a day or two after, she died, we all had the chance to be there with her, and it was the RIGHT DECISION.
5. The bible says NOTHING about euthanasia. I'm no biblical scholar, so feel free to comment if you think I'm wrong, but all the nut-jobs quoting stuff never come up with anything that isn't EXTREMELY vague. And if you say this is because euthanasia wasn't around back then- seriously grow up. Its not new, hell even abortion has been practiced for hundreds if not thousands of years.
There, now don't you feel smarter?
Note: this contains more 'colorful' language than my other posts, and for a reason.
Links of the day!
Terri Schiavo's blog
Spore Wow, this game seems INCREDIBLE, and how its made is just as incredible, read it, it just keeps getting better as the pages go by.
Adidas smart shoe I'm sure you've been annoyed by this commercial EVERY SINGLE COMMERCIAL BREAK (which is sad, because it is a good commercial the FIRST 20 times you see it) So I googled to find out what it was... Apparently it falls under the heading of 'everyday stuff we can now slap a microchip in and charge 3x more for'