Sunday, March 13, 2005

Hypnotic suggestion

Well lets see, whats new.

A couple months ago, I signed up for an Audible account. I get two (audio) books a month for $20, which is a very nice addition to my ipod. My only gripe with audible is the website, which is horrid. Dont get me wrong, its very easy and intuitive to navigate. But its all java and java sucks.

1st, I painfully discovered that if I give anyone a link, they ARE LOGGED IN AS ME! Can you say incredibly stupid? Good way to get word of mouth purchaces idiots.
2nd, the site loads at one width then shrinks to another, giving one a headache when trying to begin to read a page.
3rd, you cant open in new windows, because java sucks. Making you constanly hit forward and back.
That all being said (and seriously audible, fix it you idiots) its very easy to navigate and has a great selection. Especially if you have an ipod, I suggest you browse their selection to see if its what you like (they have a great selection but limited categories, afterall audio isnt the best way to say, learn programing.)

Anyway, on a whim I decided to get a hypnotic suggestion book, always wanted to check that out. Listened to it in bed last nite and as he was 'dropping me down' I kept thinking "My mind isnt clearing, I still am thinking of other things, this isnt going to work, suck.."

Then I woke up. No idea what the tape said, but I did wake up at the end of it (Probably the classic "you will now wake up refreshed.. etc") and today I've been much busier than my average Saturday afternoon. I finished a book on Japanese. Making Sense of Japanese (formerly Gone Fishing) Short, but a major acomplishment since I almost never read more than 1/3rd of books.

In other news.

I (FINALLY) got my free TV! Thats right, works, albeit very slow. Had a manager apologize to me himself, he blamed Sony, who knows. Point is I got it, now I just need a new video card so it can replace my current tv. You see my current tv has a VGA in, and I use it with a computer for all sorts of fun ^^

What else. Its spring break, but as little as I have to do lately I barely notice. This weekend is rather quiet and Im happy about it, got things I want to do besides party. Jeannine is planning on spending the whole week on the beach drunk, which she constantly says to other people 'ya eD wont be there because he hates the beach.' I havent argued, I dont hate it nearly as much as she seems to think I do but oh well, no need to correct or I'm inviting myself. Besides I'm very much in get-things-done mode.

Finally, two items of website news.
Nanaka Crash is rediculously popular, I may have to remove it for a few days at the end of the month. Its the 13th and I've use 14/40gb of bandwith. 90% on the game itself because the rest of my site is useless.
Thatguy (link on right) coded a quotes database for the irc chanel I hang out in, and I offered to host it. go check it out. But understand its for comedy only, we're not nearly as bad as our quotes may make us seem ^^;;

Links of the day!

Science and the art of female matinence.
Cool art one of the best flashes I've ever seen, just because I love the art.
When ya gotta go.. would you go here? ^^
The best blog youll ever read. Seriously, its the best.

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