Yesterday, at 4:54pm as I was getting ready to leave work, I received a call from my friend Jeannine's mother. I answered the phone like the clown I am. She was quiet for a moment then asked me if I was sitting down.
Jeannine recieved a call yesterday morning that Dustin, her fiance, was killed in action in Iraq. He was sniped in the neck while guarding a safe house where his team was sleeping. It was his second trip to Iraq. He had just gone a couple months ago, and he proposed to Jeannine just a little while before he left.
I didn’t know Dustin too well. I met him several times, but the first few times we did not talk much as he is rather quiet till he warms up to people. We did begin to talk more before he left, and he was a good guy.
What I really saw was the impact on Jeannine. I have seen her date a bunch of losers, and even a few decent ones.
I have never seen her as happy as she was with him.
With all her loser boyfriends, she usually kept them kind of away from me. Being that I am always single, and she often was, we often provided a lot of emotional support to each other that others would interpret as something going on. I am also protective of her, and she knew they were losers.
She couldn’t wait for me to meet him. She really wanted to know what I thought of him. And I think was a bit disappointed when we didn’t become best friends right away, because he is rather reserved and I am definitely not. But we never fought; I respected him from the beginning. It just took a chance for us to be in a semi-private environment to get to know each other.
He was a great man. The strong silent type that supposedly every woman wants and part of every man wants to be. Especially me, who is so often getting himself in trouble with his mouth.
Jeannine has pictures of him all over her house. Many of just him, but mostly of the two of them together. Jeannine HATES CAMERAS. She is always slapping my camera phone away if I try to pull it out, even if I am just making a phone call. She looked beautiful in all of them. Everyone commented on her glow before he left, which she jokingly attributed to the sex, but it stayed after he left.
It was gone yesterday, and there was nothing any of us could do to restore it.
At her mom's beckoning, her father, uncle, cousin, Chrissie, me and even Jessica, a friend we haven't seen in awhile came to give her support. Being the clown that I am, I get myself in trouble a lot for being insensitive. But sometimes even I can tell it’s not appropriate, and I really can’t do much else. Last night was one of those (extremely) rare times I was quiet.
As I said there are pictures of him everywhere. Along with wedding planning books and to do lists of gift registries and other wedding related tasks written in lipstick on her mirror.
My first instinct was to take them down. Not the pictures, but the miscellaneous stuff that is just enough to remind her of him. But that isn’t right, she needs them. She said last night, even with what happened in the end, that she wouldn’t trade it for the world.
As I said, I never got the chance to know him really well. But I was looking forward to the opportunity. I still have a T-shirt depicting a silhouette of a marine on a stagecoach with camels pulling it saying “Urban Cowboy.” I am not sure what to do with it. I will probably send it to his unit.
When he left, he asked me to take care of Jeannine for him. He was worried about loosing her to some other guy. I think that is probably a big part of why he proposed to her so early; he seemed as concerned with loosing her as anything he would face in Iraq.
I already knew what I was going to say to him however. And it ended up being the last thing I said to him as well.
“Don’t worry, I will take care of her for you, you just take care of yourself.”
Friday, December 08, 2006
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Wii! And holidays
Well, I'm officially 30 now. So I cant be trusted. That's ok, I never could, but now people know it, which sucks.
Thankfully my birthday present to myself makes me feel like a kid again. The Wii seriously rocks. I cant stop playing Zelda. The fishing mini-game alone is worth the price of admission. I am really hopeful for the first person shooter genera too, but I got my butt kicked on CoD3 in hard mode. Not used to the control style yet I guess, keep wanting to rest my hand, which makes me look at the ground...
It was also my friend Beverly's birthday as well as her husbands coming home party and yesterday was my brothers birthday. And of course Thanksgiving! Its diet time, I am the heaviest I have ever been, and while I wouldn't put myself in any obese category, I know better than to let it get that far.
In bad news, I have resigned myself to failing a class this semester. I simply missed too much and have no idea wth is going on. I also didn't buy the book because he said it was optional... Oh well I will retake it.
I also need to fix this site, it is completely broken in IE7 because of IE6 quirks mode. I just have no ideas for a new design, and even if i did I have no time to code it. I'm too busy playing with my Wii!
Black People Love Us hilarious and brave
Duh tell me something I don't know. However if they had a measure for insight men would loose.
Stuff you didn't know about me
Thankfully my birthday present to myself makes me feel like a kid again. The Wii seriously rocks. I cant stop playing Zelda. The fishing mini-game alone is worth the price of admission. I am really hopeful for the first person shooter genera too, but I got my butt kicked on CoD3 in hard mode. Not used to the control style yet I guess, keep wanting to rest my hand, which makes me look at the ground...
It was also my friend Beverly's birthday as well as her husbands coming home party and yesterday was my brothers birthday. And of course Thanksgiving! Its diet time, I am the heaviest I have ever been, and while I wouldn't put myself in any obese category, I know better than to let it get that far.
In bad news, I have resigned myself to failing a class this semester. I simply missed too much and have no idea wth is going on. I also didn't buy the book because he said it was optional... Oh well I will retake it.
I also need to fix this site, it is completely broken in IE7 because of IE6 quirks mode. I just have no ideas for a new design, and even if i did I have no time to code it. I'm too busy playing with my Wii!
Links of the day!
Black People Love Us hilarious and brave
Duh tell me something I don't know. However if they had a measure for insight men would loose.
Stuff you didn't know about me
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Last week was my first trip to Vegas since I was about 15. Quite a different place. I was out there for training for work, from Tuesday thru Friday afternoon so it was not just a big party. Still had fun. Voodoo lounge seemed cool (though expensive, but nothing about Vegas is not expensive) and the rides at the Stratosphere rocked. The sea-saw off the side of a 109 story building was one of the simplest yet best rides I've ever seen.
I am not much for gambling, but I ended up sinking $50 into video poker my last day as I waited for my work-mates to go to the Stratosphere with me. All in all it was pretty fun, I would like to go back for some leisure time with friends some weekend.
The ride home was not as fun. After a delayed flight, I landed in a closed airport and ended up spending 2 hours on the tarmac (or however you spell that) waiting for planes to move so I could get the heck off. Meanwhile they made it easier for us, not by serving us alcohol (stupid FAA regulations about serving alcohol on the ground) but by playing MUZAK. We went from being stuck in an airplane to being stuck in an elevator. Everyone was voting with their attendant call buttons against the music, and thankfully they finally heard.
Sitting next to me was a rather attractive older woman with a British accent. I considered asking her if she wanted to join the 10ft high club for my amusement, but decided it would make the rest of the 'flight' (what do you call it when you are on the ground? Taxi?) too uncomfortable. Links below.
What happened at John Wayne
Arrested least this didnt happen to me. I cant believe how stupid we are as a country sometimes.
Border security non airline-related, but I think the US needs these at the border!
I am not much for gambling, but I ended up sinking $50 into video poker my last day as I waited for my work-mates to go to the Stratosphere with me. All in all it was pretty fun, I would like to go back for some leisure time with friends some weekend.
The ride home was not as fun. After a delayed flight, I landed in a closed airport and ended up spending 2 hours on the tarmac (or however you spell that) waiting for planes to move so I could get the heck off. Meanwhile they made it easier for us, not by serving us alcohol (stupid FAA regulations about serving alcohol on the ground) but by playing MUZAK. We went from being stuck in an airplane to being stuck in an elevator. Everyone was voting with their attendant call buttons against the music, and thankfully they finally heard.
Sitting next to me was a rather attractive older woman with a British accent. I considered asking her if she wanted to join the 10ft high club for my amusement, but decided it would make the rest of the 'flight' (what do you call it when you are on the ground? Taxi?) too uncomfortable. Links below.
Links of the day!
What happened at John Wayne
Arrested least this didnt happen to me. I cant believe how stupid we are as a country sometimes.
Border security non airline-related, but I think the US needs these at the border!
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Summers' over? NOOOOOOOOOOooooooooo
Yup, schools already started, its Labor day this weekend. Summer is over. After 6 weeks of hellish math to start the summer the second half was rather short.
It started out well, with two weekends of successful parties by yours truly, but after that I quickly found myself bored! I had been working so hard in school I didn't know what to do with myself outside of work.
Of course a few weeks later I got used to relaxing again, just in time for school to start last week...
This semester I am taking a Cisco Pix class, a Database Design class, and Statistics, which is hopefully the last class I need to graduate with my AS and my certification to move on to a CSU. I turned in my graduation request form yesterday.
Last weekend, it turned out Minori-san was in San Francisco for an internship that is over on Sept 2nd. So I drove up Saturday afternoon after my math class and spent the night walking around fisherman's' Wharf and talking with her till 3am. I wanted to see Winston (link to blog at right) but shortly after getting to S.F. my crappy cell phone died (I hope to get a new one soon) and it was the only thing I had with his number.
Still, it was really nice seeing Minori-san again. I once again tried to get her to move to Southern California for some extended period of time but sadly I don't think it is in the cards. (That doesn't mean I cant try tho!) Next time I gotta get out to Japan to see her. It is definitely my turn.
I have re-discovered and have been listening to some really good books.
A Short History of Nearly Everything and On Intelligence are very highly recommended. I posted the Amazon links because I know many like to read, I prefer the audio books, especially on long car rides. Almost makes me wish my commute to work was more than 10 minutes.... almost ^_~
This weekend is yet another party weekend. Last of the summer. Saturday is to be the big time, and Monday will be a BBQ at my house by the pool. If you know me you should come. ^^
Once again, I am going to try to get myself to blog more often. There's a lot more I would like to post but I can never seem to find the time. I am just never at my computer anymore, which is very, very strange for me...
The IPod Terrorist Yet another one of those stories that underscores the fact that even though we are combating people who are stuck in the 14th century, we prove ourselves no more intelligent.
Firefox-dog for all you misguided firefox freaks. Go IE7!
The/WTF Mac Store another post for misguided computer users ^^
It started out well, with two weekends of successful parties by yours truly, but after that I quickly found myself bored! I had been working so hard in school I didn't know what to do with myself outside of work.
Of course a few weeks later I got used to relaxing again, just in time for school to start last week...
This semester I am taking a Cisco Pix class, a Database Design class, and Statistics, which is hopefully the last class I need to graduate with my AS and my certification to move on to a CSU. I turned in my graduation request form yesterday.
Last weekend, it turned out Minori-san was in San Francisco for an internship that is over on Sept 2nd. So I drove up Saturday afternoon after my math class and spent the night walking around fisherman's' Wharf and talking with her till 3am. I wanted to see Winston (link to blog at right) but shortly after getting to S.F. my crappy cell phone died (I hope to get a new one soon) and it was the only thing I had with his number.
Still, it was really nice seeing Minori-san again. I once again tried to get her to move to Southern California for some extended period of time but sadly I don't think it is in the cards. (That doesn't mean I cant try tho!) Next time I gotta get out to Japan to see her. It is definitely my turn.
I have re-discovered and have been listening to some really good books.
A Short History of Nearly Everything and On Intelligence are very highly recommended. I posted the Amazon links because I know many like to read, I prefer the audio books, especially on long car rides. Almost makes me wish my commute to work was more than 10 minutes.... almost ^_~
This weekend is yet another party weekend. Last of the summer. Saturday is to be the big time, and Monday will be a BBQ at my house by the pool. If you know me you should come. ^^
Once again, I am going to try to get myself to blog more often. There's a lot more I would like to post but I can never seem to find the time. I am just never at my computer anymore, which is very, very strange for me...
Links of the day!
The IPod Terrorist Yet another one of those stories that underscores the fact that even though we are combating people who are stuck in the 14th century, we prove ourselves no more intelligent.
Firefox-dog for all you misguided firefox freaks. Go IE7!
The/WTF Mac Store another post for misguided computer users ^^
Saturday, July 15, 2006
The Rubios Girl gave me crabs...
And we havent even had a date yet...
Links of the day!
Stupid Laws Another round!
KillerNIC a "gamers" network interface card. Proving yet again 'hardcore gamers' are idiots with too much money.
A hoax that everyone seems to believe
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Christmass in June/Math is hard (the sequel)
Once again, its been a long time. Oh well, quality over quantity!
A few weeks ago, I was in Gainseville Florida for training on some of my companies products. I expected it to be the middle of nowhere but my hotel was actually right across the street from University of Florida. Still it was summer so all the colege girls were gone and it was humid as hell.
While there, I basically live for free, work picks up food and car and such, I just buy beer. I also got my bonus at work. So I decided to spend it all on sillicon! (And there was no one named Bambi involved.) I decided when I got back I was going to have Christmass in June, and here is the result.

Thats a new wireless router (Linksys WRV200V which has tons of features but I am currently RMAing because the second I launch torrents I loose any reliable connection to the internet. (and I am wired into it...)) A netgear gigabit router, 4 gigabit network cards, a new bluetooth adapter, the battery backup for my raid card, a 120 gb hd giving me 6 total to raid together, a couple japanese books that I will read who knows when, an asus micro-atx motherboard to replace my broken tv comp one (building sff case, ill take pics when I do it) and the sound blaster xfi platinum that started all this because it was on sale on amazon for almost $100 off. Not pictured is the Nintendo DS which I preordered and got the day after it came out in the mail. (It came out on a Sunday.)
The Linksys WRV200 has really great features, its basically a business class router and was cheap. Sadly I have to RMA it because it doesnt handle loads very well, I am truly hopeful its replacement wont exhibit the same problems.
The Xfi platinum... just rocks. I am amazed at how well it can turn an mp3 into surround sound. I previously had an Audigy 1, so it is a big upgrade. Very nice.
The Nintendo DS is just amazing. They fixed the one big problem the old one had- it looked like some 80s kids toy crap. I already beat The New Mario Brothers, Brain Age and Big Brain Academy are great, and so is Metroid Prime Hunters. I discovered this week I can use the ports on the front of my computer the Xfi gives to put the DS into surround sound, and that just rocks.
In other news, while I was in Gainesville I started my online math class. College algebra. Ya, sounds easy, and kinda is, ecept its been ages since I have done this kind of math and it is 17 WEEKS OF MATH IN 6 WEEKS. It is a crushing pace. I bascially go to work all day then come home, take a nap and do math till midnite. Final is this Thursday, and I have to do the chapter test for ch11 then all of chapter 12 and study before that. But if I can get a B on the ch11 test tomorrow, and find time to do the rest of the homework, I can get a 42% on the final and get a C.
My mom had surgery the middle of last month to replace her ailing knee. It was quite nerve racking but 6 weeks later she is doing quite well. Her knee still doesnt extend fully, a hold over from the compensating her body did with her old knee for years. Right now she has to wear this brace that stretches the knee 4 hrs a nite, and it is pretty painful for her. She is doing well though and we are all pulling for her.
I havent mentioned this previously, but I have become very good friends with a woman from work named Beverly, it is strange how well we get along in just a few months time. She bought herself a motorcycle today mostly on impulse, (starting yesterday) and she had a lot of second thoughts about it especially because her mother gave her such a hard time begging her not to. Sometimes you just gotta do things for you tho, even if there are risks involved.
My other friend Chrissie's 25th birthday is tomorrow. She is having dinner then going out drinking. Sadly I can only go to dinner because of evil math. It is so worth it if I pass tho. I plan to take the math placement test the week after the final so I can hopefully test out of my last math class. Anyway I think she will love her gift, about a month ago she mentioned to me in passing how much she wanted a nice jewlry box.... ^_~
Till next time, whenever that might be.
A good wifi security guide
Duke Nukem jokes are old but still funny
The Tron Guy Truly scary
A few weeks ago, I was in Gainseville Florida for training on some of my companies products. I expected it to be the middle of nowhere but my hotel was actually right across the street from University of Florida. Still it was summer so all the colege girls were gone and it was humid as hell.
While there, I basically live for free, work picks up food and car and such, I just buy beer. I also got my bonus at work. So I decided to spend it all on sillicon! (And there was no one named Bambi involved.) I decided when I got back I was going to have Christmass in June, and here is the result.
Thats a new wireless router (Linksys WRV200V which has tons of features but I am currently RMAing because the second I launch torrents I loose any reliable connection to the internet. (and I am wired into it...)) A netgear gigabit router, 4 gigabit network cards, a new bluetooth adapter, the battery backup for my raid card, a 120 gb hd giving me 6 total to raid together, a couple japanese books that I will read who knows when, an asus micro-atx motherboard to replace my broken tv comp one (building sff case, ill take pics when I do it) and the sound blaster xfi platinum that started all this because it was on sale on amazon for almost $100 off. Not pictured is the Nintendo DS which I preordered and got the day after it came out in the mail. (It came out on a Sunday.)
The Linksys WRV200 has really great features, its basically a business class router and was cheap. Sadly I have to RMA it because it doesnt handle loads very well, I am truly hopeful its replacement wont exhibit the same problems.
The Xfi platinum... just rocks. I am amazed at how well it can turn an mp3 into surround sound. I previously had an Audigy 1, so it is a big upgrade. Very nice.
The Nintendo DS is just amazing. They fixed the one big problem the old one had- it looked like some 80s kids toy crap. I already beat The New Mario Brothers, Brain Age and Big Brain Academy are great, and so is Metroid Prime Hunters. I discovered this week I can use the ports on the front of my computer the Xfi gives to put the DS into surround sound, and that just rocks.
In other news, while I was in Gainesville I started my online math class. College algebra. Ya, sounds easy, and kinda is, ecept its been ages since I have done this kind of math and it is 17 WEEKS OF MATH IN 6 WEEKS. It is a crushing pace. I bascially go to work all day then come home, take a nap and do math till midnite. Final is this Thursday, and I have to do the chapter test for ch11 then all of chapter 12 and study before that. But if I can get a B on the ch11 test tomorrow, and find time to do the rest of the homework, I can get a 42% on the final and get a C.
My mom had surgery the middle of last month to replace her ailing knee. It was quite nerve racking but 6 weeks later she is doing quite well. Her knee still doesnt extend fully, a hold over from the compensating her body did with her old knee for years. Right now she has to wear this brace that stretches the knee 4 hrs a nite, and it is pretty painful for her. She is doing well though and we are all pulling for her.
I havent mentioned this previously, but I have become very good friends with a woman from work named Beverly, it is strange how well we get along in just a few months time. She bought herself a motorcycle today mostly on impulse, (starting yesterday) and she had a lot of second thoughts about it especially because her mother gave her such a hard time begging her not to. Sometimes you just gotta do things for you tho, even if there are risks involved.
My other friend Chrissie's 25th birthday is tomorrow. She is having dinner then going out drinking. Sadly I can only go to dinner because of evil math. It is so worth it if I pass tho. I plan to take the math placement test the week after the final so I can hopefully test out of my last math class. Anyway I think she will love her gift, about a month ago she mentioned to me in passing how much she wanted a nice jewlry box.... ^_~
Till next time, whenever that might be.
Links of the day!
A good wifi security guide
Duke Nukem jokes are old but still funny
The Tron Guy Truly scary
Saturday, May 20, 2006
My Ja4 project- Tsuru no Ongaeshi Blooper Special!
A bit overdue here, but this was my groups project for Japanese 4 That I turned in two Thursdays ago.
Direct youtube link here
Of course, if you dont know Japanese a lot of it will be lost on you. It also helps to know the original story, which is a famous Japanese childrens tale. The Grateful Crane There are many versions of the story, Ours stars an old man and his wife and the crane, not the young man in the link.
There are also many in-jokes from our class since we have all been together for several semesters now. So I made a translation / notes page together with my group mate Katherine and here it is:
The Grateful Crane Blooper Special Translation
You can watch the video there too.
In other news, on Monday I leave for Florida for two weeks for training in one of our products from work. Not Miami or anything, Gainsville, aka swamp land. It should be relaxing however, nice to get away no matter where it is.
Also, my server is coming along quite nice. I just got the 3ware 9550SX RAID controller for it, and am playing around with the 4 drives I have for it so I can fully understand how to configure and repair the RAID 5 before I buy the other 4 hard drives. My mistake so far was to Format a 745gb array without using quick format, it has been running all day and is only at 30%. ^^;;
Also, I finally got to talk to Minori san on MSN today! She was awake at 3am her time when I got out of bed after her big date that she kept switching the subject away from. ^^
PS: I know I dont update much, but I have been going for quality over quantity. I have been very busy these days, but work and school arent generally that exciting to talk about. Till next time!
Other links above are the main stars, but Ill give one other
Church Sign Generator I stole this from Katherine too ^^
Direct youtube link here
Of course, if you dont know Japanese a lot of it will be lost on you. It also helps to know the original story, which is a famous Japanese childrens tale. The Grateful Crane There are many versions of the story, Ours stars an old man and his wife and the crane, not the young man in the link.
There are also many in-jokes from our class since we have all been together for several semesters now. So I made a translation / notes page together with my group mate Katherine and here it is:
The Grateful Crane Blooper Special Translation
You can watch the video there too.
In other news, on Monday I leave for Florida for two weeks for training in one of our products from work. Not Miami or anything, Gainsville, aka swamp land. It should be relaxing however, nice to get away no matter where it is.
Also, my server is coming along quite nice. I just got the 3ware 9550SX RAID controller for it, and am playing around with the 4 drives I have for it so I can fully understand how to configure and repair the RAID 5 before I buy the other 4 hard drives. My mistake so far was to Format a 745gb array without using quick format, it has been running all day and is only at 30%. ^^;;
Also, I finally got to talk to Minori san on MSN today! She was awake at 3am her time when I got out of bed after her big date that she kept switching the subject away from. ^^
PS: I know I dont update much, but I have been going for quality over quantity. I have been very busy these days, but work and school arent generally that exciting to talk about. Till next time!
Links of the day!
Other links above are the main stars, but Ill give one other
Church Sign Generator I stole this from Katherine too ^^
Monday, May 01, 2006
Its 4am. Im wide awake. Tried getting up and doin stuff. Tried workin out. Tried havin a couple beers. But now its 4 am so am so I'm going to go lay down till I have to go go work...
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Nobuko and Minori
Once again it's been AGES since I have written. Interesting things have happened, including a work trip to Iowa State University, beginning Japanese 4 with a new teacher, my main computer being a pain in the butt, and general hijinks.
But nothing has quite gotten me to blog until now.
A couple weeks ago, Nobuko, one of the girls I met in Kyoto 2 1/2 years ago (so long! T-T) emailed me saying her and Minori (another girl from the program) were coming to my area and wanted to see me.
I was immediately excited. These girls (and many, many others) had sacrificed basically ALL their free time for us, even neglecting their studies, for one month. I was glad at the opportunity to in some small way pay them back by showing them around MY hometown.
So I took the day off of work on Friday, and since Monday was Presidents Day (thanks George & Abe) that meant a 4 day weekend. Friday, I picked them up in Riverside and took them to Newport pier. Was a bit cold to do anything but walk and look, but it was fun. Then we met Thu (another American from the program, see blog at right) for lunch at Rainforest Cafe at South Coast Plaza. Afterwards we did a little window-shopping and I had to take them back to Riverside, which turned out to be a two-hour tour of Riverside because Google local's maps were not quite accurate. Still, they got a big laugh every time I made a U-turn.
We said our goodbyes and they said they would call me, but it was generally uncertain weather we would see each other again before they left Tuesday. (Today, they are probably in LAX right now)
Luckily, they called me Saturday night, saying they wanted to go to Disneyland the next day. I had promised all the Nihonjin (Japanese people) that if they ever came to America I would take them to Disneyland so of course I agreed.
We got to the park about 1pm Sunday and it was very crowded. Even though there is a Disneyland in Tokyo, they had never been before. Minori had never even been to an amusement park and said she was too scared to go on the MERRY-GO-ROUND! Nobuko loved 'jet-coasters' so she was good to go. ^^ Minori ended up being very brave and going on all the fast rides at Disneyland that day, although clutching Nobuko and screaming most of the time. Still I think they both had fun. ^^ We all really enjoyed the parade and hanabi (fireworks) at the end of the night, and left pretty much at closing.
Because I am a 'local' they sold us these '2fer' tickets for the regular admission price that let us go back to California Adventure for free any time in the next 60 days. Of course Nobuko and Minori did not have that long, and I joked we should go back there the next day for some 'real roller coasters' to kid with Minori.
The next morning they wanted to go! So off we went, and California Adventure is pretty cool. It was my first time so I wasn't much of a guide, but it was really fun. The rides are much more 'adult' the first one we went on was Tower of Terror, and after that Minori was very scared of any other ride.
We did the water ride next, which I got soaked, and then Soarin' California which was kind of like Star Tours. We took a break to shop (I bought a sweatshirt rather than go back to the car to get my jacket) and then Minori suggested we go on the Ferris Wheel. I couldn't believe it because it is one of the tallest rides and she is afraid of heights. Near the front of the line, she got major cold feet, but did not run away. When the ride started swinging, she screamed for her life. I told her it was optional weather we want it to swing, and I honestly thought that was the truth, but I was wrong. (^^; sorry Minori!). When we got to the bottom she was all ready to get off, but you get sent around twice. I honestly felt bad for her.
Especially since afterwards, our fast-pass was ready and so we went on California Screamin, the one real roller coaster in the park, complete with loop. Minori was terrified but I think Nobuko loved it. After that it was shopping, Denny's (too late for anywhere good) and home to bed.
I've mostly mentioned Minori, because her fear of the rides was a major topic of the weekend, but Nobuko was wonderful. She taught me lots of new Japanese slang and Kansai-ben to help me fail Japanese 4. (Test tonight I haven't studied for, I am thinking of skipping ^^;) It was really nice seeing them both and it makes me want to go back to Japan EVEN MORE than before, I didn’t think that was possible.
As for my Japanese, they laughed every time I said anything, which made me a bit self conscious, ( ^^;) until I realized they basically laughed every time I said ANYTHING. (^^;;;) Apparently I am 'tension ga takai'
This morning, I left for work about two hours before Frank, another person from the program, came to pick them up and take them to the airport.
They gave me a rubber Mickey bracelet (like the kind that are popular now) and both have matching ones, like friendship bracelets, a Disneyland pin with my name on it (I had been joking around looking if they had any pins with their names on it.) and the sweetest card I have ever gotten, with heartfelt messages from both of them and little drawings of us at Disneyland and at the beach all over it. I had bought them both hats at the park, Minori a leather bomber hat with Mickey ears and Nobuko a Stitch hat with his ears, horns, and fur on it.
I didn't want to leave them this morning. Seeing them again after two years only proves that my memory of them as two of the sweetest people on the planet was not just made falsely rosy by time. They really are wonderful people. All of the people that supported us in Japan were. And I hope to see them again very soon.
Which makes me ask- where are the rest of you? Get out here so we can go to Disneyland too! ^^
Today my feet are a little tired from standing and walking 12 hrs a day for two days straight, but I am not tired. Being around them is very energizing. Nobuko san to Minori san mo meccha iyashikei da yo. Arigatou gozaimasu. ^^
my lotds are very old too, but that doesnt mean theyre not good.
DS Game!I cant really tell whats going on but I want this game!
Super Mario War Someday I'll have time to play this, I swear...
Seventh Sky To round out the game theme, heres a fun flash game.
But nothing has quite gotten me to blog until now.
A couple weeks ago, Nobuko, one of the girls I met in Kyoto 2 1/2 years ago (so long! T-T) emailed me saying her and Minori (another girl from the program) were coming to my area and wanted to see me.
I was immediately excited. These girls (and many, many others) had sacrificed basically ALL their free time for us, even neglecting their studies, for one month. I was glad at the opportunity to in some small way pay them back by showing them around MY hometown.
So I took the day off of work on Friday, and since Monday was Presidents Day (thanks George & Abe) that meant a 4 day weekend. Friday, I picked them up in Riverside and took them to Newport pier. Was a bit cold to do anything but walk and look, but it was fun. Then we met Thu (another American from the program, see blog at right) for lunch at Rainforest Cafe at South Coast Plaza. Afterwards we did a little window-shopping and I had to take them back to Riverside, which turned out to be a two-hour tour of Riverside because Google local's maps were not quite accurate. Still, they got a big laugh every time I made a U-turn.
We said our goodbyes and they said they would call me, but it was generally uncertain weather we would see each other again before they left Tuesday. (Today, they are probably in LAX right now)
Luckily, they called me Saturday night, saying they wanted to go to Disneyland the next day. I had promised all the Nihonjin (Japanese people) that if they ever came to America I would take them to Disneyland so of course I agreed.
We got to the park about 1pm Sunday and it was very crowded. Even though there is a Disneyland in Tokyo, they had never been before. Minori had never even been to an amusement park and said she was too scared to go on the MERRY-GO-ROUND! Nobuko loved 'jet-coasters' so she was good to go. ^^ Minori ended up being very brave and going on all the fast rides at Disneyland that day, although clutching Nobuko and screaming most of the time. Still I think they both had fun. ^^ We all really enjoyed the parade and hanabi (fireworks) at the end of the night, and left pretty much at closing.
Because I am a 'local' they sold us these '2fer' tickets for the regular admission price that let us go back to California Adventure for free any time in the next 60 days. Of course Nobuko and Minori did not have that long, and I joked we should go back there the next day for some 'real roller coasters' to kid with Minori.
The next morning they wanted to go! So off we went, and California Adventure is pretty cool. It was my first time so I wasn't much of a guide, but it was really fun. The rides are much more 'adult' the first one we went on was Tower of Terror, and after that Minori was very scared of any other ride.
We did the water ride next, which I got soaked, and then Soarin' California which was kind of like Star Tours. We took a break to shop (I bought a sweatshirt rather than go back to the car to get my jacket) and then Minori suggested we go on the Ferris Wheel. I couldn't believe it because it is one of the tallest rides and she is afraid of heights. Near the front of the line, she got major cold feet, but did not run away. When the ride started swinging, she screamed for her life. I told her it was optional weather we want it to swing, and I honestly thought that was the truth, but I was wrong. (^^; sorry Minori!). When we got to the bottom she was all ready to get off, but you get sent around twice. I honestly felt bad for her.
Especially since afterwards, our fast-pass was ready and so we went on California Screamin, the one real roller coaster in the park, complete with loop. Minori was terrified but I think Nobuko loved it. After that it was shopping, Denny's (too late for anywhere good) and home to bed.
I've mostly mentioned Minori, because her fear of the rides was a major topic of the weekend, but Nobuko was wonderful. She taught me lots of new Japanese slang and Kansai-ben to help me fail Japanese 4. (Test tonight I haven't studied for, I am thinking of skipping ^^;) It was really nice seeing them both and it makes me want to go back to Japan EVEN MORE than before, I didn’t think that was possible.
As for my Japanese, they laughed every time I said anything, which made me a bit self conscious, ( ^^;) until I realized they basically laughed every time I said ANYTHING. (^^;;;) Apparently I am 'tension ga takai'
This morning, I left for work about two hours before Frank, another person from the program, came to pick them up and take them to the airport.
They gave me a rubber Mickey bracelet (like the kind that are popular now) and both have matching ones, like friendship bracelets, a Disneyland pin with my name on it (I had been joking around looking if they had any pins with their names on it.) and the sweetest card I have ever gotten, with heartfelt messages from both of them and little drawings of us at Disneyland and at the beach all over it. I had bought them both hats at the park, Minori a leather bomber hat with Mickey ears and Nobuko a Stitch hat with his ears, horns, and fur on it.
I didn't want to leave them this morning. Seeing them again after two years only proves that my memory of them as two of the sweetest people on the planet was not just made falsely rosy by time. They really are wonderful people. All of the people that supported us in Japan were. And I hope to see them again very soon.
Which makes me ask- where are the rest of you? Get out here so we can go to Disneyland too! ^^
Today my feet are a little tired from standing and walking 12 hrs a day for two days straight, but I am not tired. Being around them is very energizing. Nobuko san to Minori san mo meccha iyashikei da yo. Arigatou gozaimasu. ^^
Links of the day!
my lotds are very old too, but that doesnt mean theyre not good.
DS Game!I cant really tell whats going on but I want this game!
Super Mario War Someday I'll have time to play this, I swear...
Seventh Sky To round out the game theme, heres a fun flash game.
Friday, January 06, 2006
First post of the new year, yay.
Just confirmed my travel plans today, work is sending me to the University of Iowa the week of the 16th, coming home Friday night. It also means I miss my entire 2nd week of Japanese 4, which I have been studying to be semi qualified for again for the past 2 weeks.
It should be fun, get a hotel room and rental car and meals and such on the company's dime, but I own no warm clothes at all so I might die. I might have to see what nightlife in Iowa is like, maybe I'll take pictures and put em here. Maybe if theyre nieve enough I'll tell em I'm a casting director and they can warm me... ^^
Actually with my natural space heater ability, it might be fun to walk around in short sleeves the whole time and make everyone wonder why THEY'RE so cold when the CALIFORNIAN is just fine. Bet I could do it too. Low is 29 today and high 47 tomorrow. I can totally swing that.
Im gonna try to buy my Palm TX today when I get off work so I can hopefully get it before I go. I hope the hotel or the University has wifi.
After all, what the hell else am I gonna do in IOWA...
Futurama! I got the 'Born to be a Beurocrat' song stuck in my head yesterday and googled it up, knock yourselves out.
Akihabara News If you like shinny, blinking, tiny electronics things, heres a news site for you.
Quantum Trickery A long but very interesting article on all the crazy stuff physisits are doing these days, like having the same particle in 2 different geographic locations at the same time...
Just confirmed my travel plans today, work is sending me to the University of Iowa the week of the 16th, coming home Friday night. It also means I miss my entire 2nd week of Japanese 4, which I have been studying to be semi qualified for again for the past 2 weeks.
It should be fun, get a hotel room and rental car and meals and such on the company's dime, but I own no warm clothes at all so I might die. I might have to see what nightlife in Iowa is like, maybe I'll take pictures and put em here. Maybe if theyre nieve enough I'll tell em I'm a casting director and they can warm me... ^^
Actually with my natural space heater ability, it might be fun to walk around in short sleeves the whole time and make everyone wonder why THEY'RE so cold when the CALIFORNIAN is just fine. Bet I could do it too. Low is 29 today and high 47 tomorrow. I can totally swing that.
Im gonna try to buy my Palm TX today when I get off work so I can hopefully get it before I go. I hope the hotel or the University has wifi.
After all, what the hell else am I gonna do in IOWA...
Links of the day!
Futurama! I got the 'Born to be a Beurocrat' song stuck in my head yesterday and googled it up, knock yourselves out.
Akihabara News If you like shinny, blinking, tiny electronics things, heres a news site for you.
Quantum Trickery A long but very interesting article on all the crazy stuff physisits are doing these days, like having the same particle in 2 different geographic locations at the same time...
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