Saturday, December 04, 2004


Today was interesting. Woke up wide awake at 7:30am after falling asleep around 4, which is becoming par for the course for me.
Went to a client, took care of a few things, bought probably the best sake I've ever had (Otokoyama, which I am enjoying right now hot) it was about the price of a decent bottle of liquor, not too bad.

Anyway it was a prop for our groups's japanese final project, which we videotaped so we dont have to present it in front of the class. Actually, Jarells' (groupmate) talented friends did it.
It was done in pictures with voice over and lots of incredibly strange things like genie costumes and me in my yukatta and getta. (wow, I thought for SURE I'd get pulled over wearing my yukatta on the way over) It makes all the sense of Super Milk Chan on acid, and thats why I love it.

If youre lucky, REAL LUCKY, you might find it here someday- We shal see...

Links of the day!

A public service announcement that is causing some controversy in the LA area, stations are too afraid to play it. I think its funny.
Ya I'm sure youve heard of it, but do u know what it can REALLY do? Read the user review!
One last one about that murderer chiq, heres her and her acomplices. In pretty orange jumpsuits! I can see how at least one of the guys has to kill to get laid.

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