Tuesday, July 27, 2004

im going home!

yup thats right
i write this from a shikansen bound for kyoto after i change trains in osaka
its going to be great seeing all my new friends again- ive missed them since i left
yoshi and nobuko are so wonderful as to meet me at the station
yoshi even spent 2 days finding me the perfect royokan
i really must buy them dinner
dont worry i remember i live in ca but kyoto is quickly becoming my 2nd home
( ~っ~)ノ

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think all of who know Oscar believe the he can understand you Pat :) Dave glad your having fun ill be in cali the first week of October for a wedding Ill be in socal for a day or 2 MARK it on you calendar or your palm or well you get the point... we can meet at the nets cause im not walking up that hill ever again... anyways send me some Japanese bud light im thirsty..
